lunes, 8 de agosto de 2022

Todo lo que es legítimo y legal debe ser tolerado...

 Todo lo que es legítimo y legal debe ser tolerado y debe ser respetado. Y quienes no lo acepten son aquellos que están ejerciendo la intolerancia. Y, desde Voltaire, se sabe que no se puede ser tolerante con los intolerantes y para eso está la ley.

-Carlos Monsiváis

jueves, 4 de agosto de 2022

I just want to be happy again.

Dreams and hopes have been included in this manifesto

On a clear moonlit night,
on this starry sky

only thinks when the sun goes down 

you know that you're at the right place

i say in this perfect places
your perfects places

i want you to know...

you are livng in the gold
driving your life
meeting new people
and doing things that you love

¿you feel like you're working?
no, not at all, because you're doing right
never forget that,

 you're perfect
to me you are perfect!

never forget it. 

and you don't need buy something

you dont need organizaton something

you dont need change nothing

maybe you are blurred eyed... and its time to wake up 

you are perfect as you are.

 i remember when i take that picture

i was so happy
with my family
with my parents 
with myself

and i miss that
but i can live in the past
i need need ways to growing my confidence and happiness

i realize that the only way 
the only thing
to know
to do
to enjoy
its right now
the moment
is today
today's is the day.
but now i know.

i hope that u will never forget that.
I love 
you, bye.


martes, 14 de junio de 2022

To me you are perfect.-


A ver si algún día mis dedos tocan los tuyos...

“A ver si algún día mis dedos tocan los tuyos. Tuna incandescente. Águila sin alas. Serpiente de estrellas. Aquí nos tocó. Qué le vamos a hacer. En la región más transparente del aire”
-Carlos Fuentes


Se un payaso si quieres, con eso te darás cuenta de que tambien requiere que te esfuerzes .- Ruben Rivas


Be a clown if you want, with that you will realize that it also requires you to strive

Jean Paul Sartre: Felicidad no es hacer lo que uno quiere sino querer lo que uno hace.


Una página limpia es un cuerpo dispuesto a la entrega...

  “Una página limpia es un cuerpo dispuesto a la entrega, un barco a punto de ser tomado por as alto, un trago de coñac bajo la lluvia”- Vicente Quirarte.

Hay que dormir con los ojos abiertos...

Hay que dormir con los ojos abiertos, hay que soñar con las manos… Hay que soñar en voz alta, hay que cantar hasta que el canto eche raíces, troncos, ramas, ramas, pájaros, astros… 
-Octavio Paz


i like parrots, they are so smart but i dont like force them to speak



i must not remain neutral on this issue.

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2022

this is a sign. May, 2022

the radio told me 

¿isn't it crazy?

I wish I was as confident as you are.

 I never told you.

I just never thought you'll walk away so soon.


My time is up

my kind friend

Please, don't go

People can sit at a table...

and discuss 

positive things

 it's been a decade of lights

for you...

for me

those lights are coming to me 

 I accept them

 I appreciate them

but... I...

 I've been wasting my time

trying beautiful things in the trash

you'd know better than me and that is great

you'd know better than me 

So I wanted to see ...

to know the world 

and you have to say that word

at the end of the last voice on the radio

a host

im like a ghots

all this voices

are calling

its a radio

a radio show


an interesting voice

happily with colors of 

kindness and self-improvement.

I really need to know

I have to know more about this


 everything is about people who i dont know

but I'm going to meet them

In my hole life

im my hole heart

In my hole brain

my, my

I'm going to fill in every space

One day

you wish

you wish have me

no way for return

i've so tired and working so hard

cant take a taxy for see


the hollow man

our decade is only one

only one

For what's it worth, i'm happy to meet you Honey.

I want to be honest again. 

for C. H. 

with love,


sábado, 15 de enero de 2022

Haiku /enero 2022 ruben rivas


La miro

y la quiero

mi cuerpo esta en llamas


Hablar de ti

Hablar de tus ojos

De que me gusta tenerte cerca


Quise hacerlo grande

por tu cumpleaños

lo siento



Un perfume tibio

tan tenue

con olor a flores


Un lugar

waraira repano

El cielo en mis palmas

Salgo de casa

por ventanas felices

viendo atardeceres


Como el pan

 que lo amas

 lo compartes con amor


un olor para recrear

infancia feliz

un cumpleaños con gelatina


 cuando decida irse

una casa lejos

con animales


Un hombre que no existe

Si reparas sus piezas

y no seria el mismo



cualquier manera

huira y volvera

de alguna manera


Ruben, Get focus