lunes, 8 de agosto de 2022

Todo lo que es legítimo y legal debe ser tolerado...

 Todo lo que es legítimo y legal debe ser tolerado y debe ser respetado. Y quienes no lo acepten son aquellos que están ejerciendo la intolerancia. Y, desde Voltaire, se sabe que no se puede ser tolerante con los intolerantes y para eso está la ley.

-Carlos Monsiváis

jueves, 4 de agosto de 2022

I just want to be happy again.

Dreams and hopes have been included in this manifesto

On a clear moonlit night,
on this starry sky

only thinks when the sun goes down 

you know that you're at the right place

i say in this perfect places
your perfects places

i want you to know...

you are livng in the gold
driving your life
meeting new people
and doing things that you love

¿you feel like you're working?
no, not at all, because you're doing right
never forget that,

 you're perfect
to me you are perfect!

never forget it. 

and you don't need buy something

you dont need organizaton something

you dont need change nothing

maybe you are blurred eyed... and its time to wake up 

you are perfect as you are.

 i remember when i take that picture

i was so happy
with my family
with my parents 
with myself

and i miss that
but i can live in the past
i need need ways to growing my confidence and happiness

i realize that the only way 
the only thing
to know
to do
to enjoy
its right now
the moment
is today
today's is the day.
but now i know.

i hope that u will never forget that.
I love 
you, bye.